Amplifier for Art, Science and Society


EPFL Pavilions
Place Cosandey
CH – 1015 Lausanne

+41 21 693 65 01

Opening hours

From Tuesday to Sunday
11 am — 6 pm
Closed on Monday
Free Entry

Closing at 4pm on the 24th and 31st of December
Closed on the 25th of December and 1st of January.

On Friday 3 May, exceptionally closing at 4 pm due to Balélec festival.

Getting here

Public transportation

  • Metro
  • Bus


EPFL offers many paid parking spaces close to EPFL Pavilions, including Rolex Learning Center and Esplanade.

GPS: 46°31’05.5″N 6°33’57.0″E

Restaurants & cafés

A large choice of cafés and restaurants are welcoming visitors with an array of locally sourced, and dietary restrictions-friendly menus all across the EPFL campus.

Food trucks offer exciting menu options all around EPFL Pavilions at lunchtime during the workweek.

Guided Tours

Guided Tours for the general public

Free guided tour of the exhibition at Pavilion B on the first Saturday of the month at 11:15 am.
No registration required.

See our events page for more information.

On-demand Guided Tours

EPFL Pavilions offers on-demand free guided tours for groups, schools or organisations of the ongoing exhibitions.

  • Groups & organisations

For groups of 8+ people, please request a reservation at least 1 week prior to the visit.
Contact us for more information.

  • Schools

Please request a reservation at least 5 working days in advance.
Contact us for more information.


EPFL Pavilions' building is fully accessible for people with reduced mobility and strollers.

More information will soon be provided on other ongoing accessibility initiatives.
Feel free to contact us for any question or demand.
