A book of photos, yet with a focus on photographers, which captures EPFL as it is today while looking to its future.
For its 50th anniversary, EPFL gave carte blanche to three renowned photographers with one mission: to capture its present and illustrate its future. Over the period of a year, they explored the campus with their respective visions: Catherine Leutenegger focused on the science, Bogdan Konopka depicted the buildings and Olivier Christinat photographed the people. Perspectives on EPFL thus offers a coherent vision of EPFL’s present and future. Published by EPFL to mark its 50th anniversary as a federal institute of technology, this book was created in collaboration with the Musée de l’Elysée in Lausanne.

Author(s): Catherine Leutenegger, Bogdan Konopka, Olivier Christinat
Published: 10 april 2019
Pages: 136
Format (in mm) Book: 2080 x 2800